DNP Bulgarka
Situated on the northern slopes and ridges of Shipchenska and Trevnenska mountain “Bulgarka” nature park covers an area of 22000 hectares. The park is established by the Decree HRD – 775 of Ministry of Environment and Waters. The main purpose is preservation, reestablishment and maintaining of natural beech – tree eco nets and the springs of the Yantra river in their upper part. It s the most recent Bulgarian park. 80 per cent of the park area is covered with forests and 75 per cents of them are beech forests.
Some rare habitats of conserving importance can be found. Which are of extreme pan – European significan for Natura 2000 ecological nets.
Over 1800 species are established in the higher plants by now of which:
* 38 species including Cynoglossum germanicum Jacq. registered in the Bulgarian Red Data Book as extinct species.
* Bern convention – 3 species
* Derective 92/43/EEC – 2 species
* Biological diversity law – 68 species
* Bulgarian endemities 12 species
* Balkan endemities 32 species
The park area is also rich in various types of invertebrates and vertebrates. The ancient buch forests are a safe refuge for the brown bear, the boar, the noble deer, the doe, the wolf, the martin and many others.
9 species of bats have also been specified by now. This area is an important inhabitat for a lot of feathered species too, most of which have a conservation statute. The teritory of “Bulgarka” nature park includes. Protected areas: “Studen kladenets”, “Stolishta”, “Mahchenitsa-Yovovtsy” and “Sokolski monastery”. Natural landmarks: “Estestveno tisovo nahodishte”, “Mahnaty skaly”, “Vikanata skala” and the ancient tree “Golemiat buk”.
The centra position of the park in the country. The mild climate the exhisting old cobbled toads for passing from north to south Bulgaria have been attracting people since ancient times. Later these factors began to define the area as a center of crafs and trade.
The guests of the park are also able to visit the National park-museum “Shipka-Buzludja”, the Ethnographic complex “Etar”, the Architectural Historic Reserve “Bojentsy”, “Sokolsky monastery”, the reconstructed chapels near the village of Bazovets, the ancient monument – the cave “Kileekite”, as well as the town of Triavna.
Along the entire length of the park ringes there runs a part of the International touristroute E3 “Kom - Emine”. Lots of other routes divert to the south and north of it which enables various excursions.
In order to make your visits safe and pleasant the Directorate of the park makes up tourist, educational and cognitive routes service infrastructure ( the ecotrail “Uzana”, the tourist route AEC “Etara”, “Sokolsky monastery”, the educational route “First steps for beginner magicians”, the five day route “Bulgarka” ) introduce the nature and cultural heritage of the park. There are refreshing nooks along the routes with special spots for making fire. Pointing tables are supplied too.
The Nature park Direktorate offers specialized lectures, discussions and lessons, mountain excursions following special routes, eco-adventure games, additional lessons in the green schools, service information, educational and advertising materials.